Client-Agency Partnership: Aligning for success

Aligning for Success

True partnership between an agency and client is not unlike a good relationship. So when I set out to write this blog, I turned to my go-to reference source: Tik Tok. I am convinced you can learn about anything on Tik Tok: baking, DIY home improvement, how to change your oil, delivering babies, and yes, relationship advice. TT did not fail me. According to my #research, you want a partner that keeps it real, passes the #TeamworkChallenge, and you can vibe with at the end of the day, no cap. Translation: You want an agency partnership built on honesty, teamwork, and good ‘ol friendship. To us, that means going beyond the case studies and capabilities, to candor, collaboration, and chemistry.


Just like a life partner, you want an agency partner who’s going to be straight with you. You campaigned hard internally to get that communications and marketing budget. To get the biggest bang for your buck, don’t waste it building an echo chamber. Instead, build an agency relationship based on honest counsel and candid feedback. To bring clients the greatest value, that can sometimes mean pointing out things that could work better, or are missing the strategic mark. 

We are also brutally honest with ourselves when it comes to campaign performance. We relish the fast feedback that digital advertising provides. We’re able to tell quickly how our content is performing, what channels are on-target, and which units are resonating the most with audiences. Data does not mince words, and we listen; even if that means a favorite execution ends up going out of rotation. We check our creative and strategic egos at the door every time we start a campaign, working only for the greatest efficiency to reach the objective.


Like a good Duet on Tik Tok, collaboration can take an original concept to the next level by adding different layers and viewpoints. It’s also where a lot of creativity and “aha moments” can happen, especially if a wide variety of perspectives are part of the conversation.

Collaboration is a talkStrategy fave and we model it from the inside and out––from the way we work with our teammates, to seamlessly blending with client teams, to our Integrated Marketing methodology. Collaboration is more than a way of thinking; it’s a practice, a process and a discipline. 

We talk quite a bit about our integrated approach, because we believe in it wholeheartedly, and we have a unique approach. Our integrated campaigns are created by teams, with all disciplines bringing thinking to the conversation: advertising, content, earned media, social, digital, web, and creative. This ensures that from the start, the strategy and the core idea can reach across the entire media ecosystem, not only working in tandem, but amplifying along the way. 

It’s the same with our work style. We #stayhumble when it comes to working in true partnership with clients, and our internal teams. Our methodology seeks out smart ideas, builds on them and lets them rise to the occasion, regardless of who contributes. Whether we’re facilitating large group collaborations during strategic planning sessions, or working with the client on day-to-day social media content, we lean into any collaboration opportunity because we know we’re working towards a better end result.

To get the biggest bang for your buck, don’t waste it building an echo chamber.


Chemistry. Simpatico. Just plain liking each other. This is important. Sure there’s case studies, and credentials, and street cred. Got ‘em. But nothing replaces being on the same page with someone, of being in alignment. 

Think about it this way: if you and your partner won a three-legged contest but had several stumbles and missteps along the way, versus working together in lock-step the entire time, wouldn’t the win feel different? A win is a win, but the journey matters too, and with agency partnerships, there’s nothing like reaching the finish line, or successfully completing a project or campaign, with someone you get along with.

talkStrategy is mission-lead and values-driven. We seek out work that matters to us; work that makes a difference in the community and in people’s lives. And when we get to do that work that gives us warm fuzzies AND do it with people we like, it’s #truelove. Get you an agency partner that looks at you like that dog looked at its owner.

Let’s Duet

talkStrategy packs a lot of experience into our seasoned and mighty team. And we’d love to discuss our areas of expertise, subject matter experts, and all the amazing work we’ve had the privilege to create for our clients. What you won’t see in our case studies is how we work, the value we place on partnerships and relationships and pushing each other to bring our best selves. 

We’d love to spend some time just talking and getting to know you, and maybe starting a wonderful partnership.